Eiffel Tower III Painting
“Eiffel Tower III” is an original painting on paper with a mix of brown and green muted tones.
Comes in a thrifted 5x7 frame. It’s painted in acrylic on sustainably sourced, acid free, heavyweight paper.
Free shipping included!
“Eiffel Tower III” is an original painting on paper with a mix of brown and green muted tones.
Comes in a thrifted 5x7 frame. It’s painted in acrylic on sustainably sourced, acid free, heavyweight paper.
Free shipping included!
“Eiffel Tower III” is an original painting on paper with a mix of brown and green muted tones.
Comes in a thrifted 5x7 frame. It’s painted in acrylic on sustainably sourced, acid free, heavyweight paper.
Free shipping included!
If you’re interested in a print of this, please contact me.